♥ The Universe Works in Mysterious Ways ♥
The Petersons have been struck with the stomach flu :(. It seems about every other year the flu works its way through the family. Tonight as I was holding Austin (5) while he threw up I was remembering a conversation I had with a friend. We talked about how we have true empathy for our children when they are sick but sometimes loose this when the child is well. I remember wanting to have the same empathy and love for my children when they are well as when they are sick. When ever I seem to loose focus of my goal of having a loving connection with my children the Universe seems to step in and remind me ♥ I think we all experience parenting roller coasters and need reminders of our parenting goals of having a respectful connection with our children. I have an affirmation that affirms : I speak to my children with love... I find that when I fall of the horse of respect the Universe gently guides me to a place of love through some kind of learning experience...perhaps this is that experience. I am grateful for this time to reconnect with my children and get back on that horse ♥
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