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My Amazing Morning

             I am having just an amazing morning! The Universe watered for me this morning ♥ I threw Alex in a sling and we fed the chickens and dogs then checked on Brianna’s hamster. Got the house opened up and there is this wonderful cool breeze running through the house; I love the smell of a breeze right after it has been raining. I even have a load of laundry in and the kitchen done with dinner thawing…just not the dishwasher unloaded and reloaded with hand dishes still in the sink. But the entire kitchen done with hand dishes drying, counters wiped down and the floor swept…whoo hoo. I had a vibrational enema last night LMAO.

            I went to bed just in a horrible place. I was in a panic to get all the chores done before bed...the big kids’ and mine. So I was rushing around trying to get everything done yelling at the little kids for not helping getting toys put away. So as Karma would have it I woke up just in a panic attack. I HATE going to bed in a vibration like that. So about midnight I woke up just teary eyed. So I sat in meditation until I got my mojo back haha. It took a half an hour of meditation and then maybe another 20 minutes of journal writing before I could go back to bed. I love the tools the Universe gives us to get back in that vibrational alignment of love. You know you’ve had a good meditation when you have ah ha moment. Our lives are like roller coasters. We have moments of alignment and moments we are not. I have been in an off alignment track for sometime and am finding that I have been attracting so many opportunities to find my vibe and get back on that path that makes me…me.

            Having the big kids gone has practically forced me to use the tools that I allowed to slip away as I became overwhelmed with the many projects are family and myself personally have been working on. I have found excuses for not having time for meditation, yoga, or my journal, the tools or practices I so desperately need to stay in that vibration of love and compassion.

            I think what attracted this amazing morning was my ah ha moment in meditation. Meditation is where I always get my amazing ideas or I recall tools that had gotten lost in my subconscious somewhere. I remembered something Jack Canfield had taught about planning your day before you go to bed. I use to do this as part of my journal writing until I excused it away with not having time. I find this so important but I also think it should come with a caution label. Planning the night before gives your subconscious the whole night to envision this amazing day. It is amazingly close your day will mirror your “dreams.” Remembering not to sweat the small stuff…and everything is small stuff. I went to bed with the affirmation “I am wonder woman and I never sweat the small stuff” and “everything is small stuff” ♥

            Something else comes to mind that I learned from Abraham Hicks. To affirm your life in segments. Moment by moment affirm that that next moment will be in vibration with pure happiness. I got up this morning KNOWING that it was going to be easy. As I walked into the bathroom I told myself that Alex would happily sit on my lap as I peed instead of screaming on the floor as I did my business…yes you must think outside the box sometimes to stay in alignment with your happy moment LOL.


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